Shujun Liu

Associate Professor
Cancer Epigenetics & Experimental Therapeutics
The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota

Shujun Liu is an Associate Professor and Leader of the Cancer Epigenetics & Experimental Therapeutics research section at the Hormel Institute University of Minnesota. Dr. Liu received his undergraduate training in Biological Sciences from Chongqing Normal University and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Molecular and Animal Genetics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Liu did his post-doctoral work at the Department of Radiology and Neurobiotechnology Center at the Ohio State University (OSU). Prior to joining OSU, Dr. Liu was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Liu’s research programs focus on a translational approach to investigate the causes and the roles of receptor tyrosine kinases and epigenetics (DNA, mRNA, and non-histone protein methylation) in cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance under normal physiological or obese conditions. He has authored more than 100 publications.

Research Interests

Molecular mechanisms of obesity-leukemia association

Crosstalk between tyrosine kinase signaling and DNA hypermethylation in cancer pathogenesis

Role of aberrant epigenetics, particularly N⁶-Methyladenosine, in drug resistance

Lysine methylation of non-histone proteins in leukemogenesis